RKN/S115-T19R 黄昏時の決意 明神弥彦


黄昏時の決意 明神弥彦

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: RKN/S115-T19R Category:


黄昏時の決意 明神弥彦
Individual Card

【永】 あなたのターン中、このカードのパワーを+10000。

[A]- When this card is placed on Stage from Hand, look at up to three cards from the top of your Deck, choose up to one card among them, add it to Hand, send the remaining cards to Waiting Room.
[A]- CX COMBO RESONANCE [(1) Send one care in your Hand to Waiting Room, reveal one [流浪人 緋村剣心] in your Hand] When this card attacks, if you have [生死分ける刹那の抜刀] in your Climax Zone, you may pay the cost. If you did, look at the top card of opponent’s Deck, place it on top or bottom of Deck, deal two damage to your opponent. (Damage can be canceled)

Card No.: RKN/S115-T19R Rarity: RRR
Color: Red Side: Schwarz
Type: Character Level: 2
Power: 3500 Cost: 1
Soul: 1 Trait 1: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Triggers: 1 Soul Trait 2: Swordsman

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
