AZL/S119-031S Iris Libre


Iris Libre
AZL/S119-031S SR

Only 3 left in stock

SKU: AZL/S119-031S Category:


Iris Libre
AZL/S119-031S SR
Individual Card

あなたは自分のキャラを1枚選び、そのターン中、パワーを+4000し、次の能力を与える。『【自】 このカードのバトル相手が【リバース】した時、あなたは相手に1ダメージを与えてよい。』(ダメージキャンセルは発生する)

Choose one of your Characters, during this turn, it gains +4000 Power and the following effect:
-[A] – When this card’s battle opponent is REVERSE, you may deal one damage to your opponent. (Damage can be canceled)

Card No.: AZL/S119-031S Rarity: SR
Color: Yellow Side: Schwarz
Type: Event Level: 3
Power: Cost: 1
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
