No Game No Life
SP Cards
NGL/S58-003SP Sora, Imanity’s Representative
Out of Stock $41.99 -
NGL/S58-022SP Fil Nilvalen
Out of Stock $49.99 -
NGL/S58-023SP Izuna, Adorable Differences
Out of Stock $105.99 -
NGL/S58-024SP Kurami Zell
Out of Stock $35.99 -
NGL/S58-051SP Steph, Inheritor of Beliefs
Out of Stock $127.99 -
NGL/S58-052SP Jibril, “Blank”‘s Vassel
Out of Stock $211.99 -
NGL/S58-080SP Shiro, Imanity’s Representative
Out of Stock $141.99 -
NGL/S58-084SP Tet, Ten Pledges
Out of Stock $27.99
RRR Cards
NGL/S58-019R Defeating the One True God
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-047R Day of Promise Long Past
$3.99 -
NGL/S58-076R Collateral Damage
Out of Stock $17.99 -
NGL/S58-078R Power of Flugel
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-098R Welcome, Gamer
Out of Stock $3.99
SR Cards
NGL/S58-001S Sora & Shiro, “Blank”
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-002S Sora, “Blank”‘s Victory Condition
$3.99 -
NGL/S58-004S Sora, World Reborn
$3.99 -
NGL/S58-029S Izuna, Eastern Union’s Ambassador to Elkia
$3.99 -
NGL/S58-030S Fil, Important Being
Out of Stock $7.99 -
NGL/S58-053S Steph, Common-Sense Person with a Hard Time
Out of Stock $24.99 -
NGL/S58-054S Jibril, Race Valuing Knowledge Above All Else
Out of Stock $13.99 -
NGL/S58-056S Jibril, Pride of Someone with Power
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-083S Shiro, Path Only Two of Them Know
Out of Stock $4.99 -
NGL/S58-086S Shiro, World Reborn
Out of Stock $3.99
RR Cards
NGL/S58-001 Sora & Shiro, “Blank”
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-002 Sora, “Blank”‘s Victory Condition
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-003 Sora, Imanity’s Representative
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-022 Fil Nilvalen
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-023 Izuna, Adorable Differences
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-024 Kurami Zell
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-051 Steph, Inheritor of Beliefs
Out of Stock $3.99 -
NGL/S58-052 Jibril, “Blank”‘s Vassel
Out of Stock $4.99 -
NGL/S58-080 Shiro, Imanity’s Representative
Out of Stock $5.99 -
NGL/S58-081 Shiro, Two as One
Out of Stock $3.99
R Cards
NGL/S58-004 Sora, World Reborn
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-005 Sora, Catching Cheats
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-006 Sora, Existence-Fighting Game
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-007 Sora, Called Reading
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-026 Serious Kurami
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-027 Ino Hatsuse
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-028 Kurami, Cool Character
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-029 Izuna, Eastern Union’s Ambassador to Elkia
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-030 Fil, Important Being
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-053 Steph, Common-Sense Person with a Hard Time
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-054 Jibril, Race Valuing Knowledge Above All Else
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-055 Jibril, a Single Game
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-056 Jibril, Pride of Someone with Power
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-057 Steph, Present from the Former King
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-058 Steph in Charge of Elkia’s Internal Affairs
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-073 Materialization Shiritori
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-082 Shiro, Heaven-Sent Strategist
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-083 Shiro, Path Only Two of Them Know
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-084 Tet, Ten Pledges
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-085 Shiro, Young Strategist
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-086 Shiro, World Reborn
U Cards
NGL/S58-008 Sora, First Move
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-009 Sora, Winner of the King Election Contest
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-010 Young Sora
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-011 Sora, Declaration of War
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-017 Rock-Paper-Scissors
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-018 “Blank” Does Not Lose
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-031 Kurami, Limit of Endurance
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-032 Fil. Past Grudge
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-033 Miko, Werebeast’s Representative
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-034 Izuna, Werebeast Girl
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-035 Kurami, Water Bathing
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-036 Izuna, Strength Exceeding Physical Limits
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-037 Izuna, Hates Bathing
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-038 Izuna, Determined to Win
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-039 Izuna, Fierce Attacks
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-046 Similar Beings
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-059 Jibril, Truth Behind the Game
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-060 Steph with an Idea
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-061 Steph, Granddaughter of the Former King
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-062 Jibril, Former Council of 18 Wings
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-063 Steph, Mood of Happiness
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-064 Jibril, Overwhelming Confidence
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-074 The Key to Imanity’s Hope
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-075 The Man Called Foolish King
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-087 Shiro, the Coming Vanish
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-088 Shiro, Morning Alone
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-089 Shiro, Sudden Assault
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-096 Natural Born Genius
C Cards
NGL/S58-012 Sora, Communication Error
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-013 Sora, Revealing the Trick of the Game
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-014 Tet, Creator of Disboard
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-015 Sora, Objection!
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-016 Sora, Sharing Memories
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-040 Fil, Human’s Possibilities
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-041 Fil, Excellent Magic User
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-042 Kurami, Shared Memories
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-043 Fil, Elf Collaborator
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-044 Young Kurami
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-045 Kurami, Human’s Possibilities
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-065 Exploding Steph
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-066 Steph, Unable to Stop Loving
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-067 Jibril, Full of Interests
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-068 Jibril, Bath Time
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-069 Steph with Little Presence
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-070 Jibril, Flugel in the Library
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-071 Jibril, Loyalty and Devotion
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-072 Steph, Appearance of the Loser
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-090 Shiro, Huh?
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-091 Shiro, Reunited with Nii
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-092 Shiro, Collapsed Personality
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-093 Shiro, Boring Battle
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-094 Young Shiro
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-095 Shiro, Lovey-Dovey
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-097 Accelerated Thinking
CR Cards
NGL/S58-019 Defeating the One True God
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-047 Day of Promise Long Past
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-076 Collateral Damage
$1.99 -
NGL/S58-098 Welcome, Gamer
CC Cards
NGL/S58-020 Checkmate
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-021 Super Healthy Space
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-048 The Last Piece
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-049 Hated Bathing Time
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-050 Blood Destruction
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-077 All the Trust Towards Human
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-078 Power of Flugel
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-079 “Death” Itself
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-099 Wishing Upon a Rock
$0.50 -
NGL/S58-100 Promise Between the Two
PR Cards
NGL/S58-101 Sora, Visitor from a Foreign World
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-102 Kurami, for the Sake of Imanity
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-103 Fil, Lord of the Nilvalen Household
$0.99 -
NGL/S58-104 Izuna, Wrong Word Usage
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-105 Steph, Support of the Elkia Kingdom
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-106 Jibril, Appreciation Towards Her Master
Out of Stock $9.99 -
NGL/S58-107 Shiro, Visitor from a Foreign World
Out of Stock $1.99 -
NGL/S58-108 Tet, God of Games
Out of Stock $1.99