Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Vol. 2
SP Cards
FS/S36-002SP “Excalibur” Saber
Out of Stock $55.99 -
FS/S36-048SP “Invitation to London” Rin
Out of Stock $35.99 -
FS/S36-049SP “Despair of Ideals” Archer
Out of Stock $27.99 -
FS/S36-072SP “Snow Fairy” Illya
Out of Stock $35.99
RRR Cards
FS/S36-001R “Projection Start” Shirou
Out of Stock $4.99 -
FS/S36-003R “Unlimited Blade Works” Shirou
Out of Stock $9.99 -
FS/S36-031R “Battle Mode” Rider
Out of Stock $13.99 -
FS/S36-050R “Master and Servant” Rin & Archer
Out of Stock $13.99 -
FS/S36-051R “Top Tier Magician” Rin
Out of Stock $3.99 -
FS/S36-076R “Trusting Relationship” Illya & Berserker
Out of Stock $5.99
SR Cards
FS/S36-004S “Summoning Via Command Seal” Shirou
Out of Stock $3.99 -
FS/S36-007S “Hefty Power” Saber
Out of Stock $3.99 -
FS/S36-008S “Gate of Babylon” Gilgamesh
Out of Stock $13.99 -
FS/S36-028S “Unlimited Blade Works”
Out of Stock $21.99 -
FS/S36-034S “Gae Bolg (A)” Lancer
$3.99 -
FS/S36-057S “Dual Wielder” Archer
Out of Stock $4.99 -
FS/S36-069S “Rho Aias”
Out of Stock $9.99 -
FS/S36-073S “Signal of Battle Commencing” Illya
Out of Stock $7.99
RR Cards
FS/S36-001 “Projection Start” Shirou
$3.99 -
FS/S36-002 “Excalibur” Saber
$7.99 -
FS/S36-003 “Unlimited Blade Works” Shirou
Out of Stock $3.99 -
FS/S36-031 “Battle Mode” Rider
Out of Stock $5.99 -
FS/S36-048 “Invitation to London” Rin
Out of Stock $1.99 -
FS/S36-049 “Despair of Ideals” Archer
$1.99 -
FS/S36-050 “Master and Servant” Rin & Archer
Out of Stock $4.99 -
FS/S36-072 “Snow Fairy” Illya
Out of Stock $0.99
R Cards
FS/S36-004 “Summoning Via Command Seal” Shirou
$1.99 -
FS/S36-005 “Pact Complete” Saber
$0.99 -
FS/S36-006 “King’s Pride” Gilgamesh
$0.99 -
FS/S36-007 “Hefty Power” Saber
$0.99 -
FS/S36-008 “Gate of Babylon” Gilgamesh
$4.99 -
FS/S36-009 “Serious Force Assault” Shirou
$0.99 -
FS/S36-032 “Devoted Kouhai” Sakura
$0.99 -
FS/S36-033 “Cold-Blooded and Heartless” Rider
$0.99 -
FS/S36-034 “Gae Bolg (A)” Lancer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-051 “Top Tier Magician” Rin
$0.99 -
FS/S36-052 “Successor of Tohsaka” Rin
$1.99 -
FS/S36-053 “Storm of Counterattacks” Archer
$1.99 -
FS/S36-054 “Caladbolg II” Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-055 “Support Fire” Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-056 “Smart and Cute Honor Student” Rin
$0.99 -
FS/S36-057 “Dual Wielder” Archer
$1.99 -
FS/S36-073 “Signal of Battle Commencing” Illya
Out of Stock $3.99 -
FS/S36-074 “Mythological Magician” Caster
$1.99 -
FS/S36-075 “Tragic Magician” Caster
$0.99 -
FS/S36-076 “Trusting Relationship” Illya & Berserker
Out of Stock $1.99
U Cards
FS/S36-010 “Parallel Ideals” Shirou & Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-011 “Divine Construct” Saber
$0.99 -
FS/S36-012 “Pure White Dress” Saber
$0.50 -
FS/S36-013 “Best Servant” Saber
$0.99 -
FS/S36-014 “Usage of Command Seals” Shirou
$0.99 -
FS/S36-015 “Fist of Anger” Shirou
$1.99 -
FS/S36-026 Signal of Counterattack
$0.99 -
FS/S36-027 End of Ideals
$0.50 -
FS/S36-035 “Gae Bolg (B)” Lancer
$0.50 -
FS/S36-036 “Always Killing, Always Hitting Strike” Lancer
$0.50 -
FS/S36-037 “Kind Personality” Sakura
$0.50 -
FS/S36-044 Shaken
$0.50 -
FS/S36-045 Last Farewell
$0.50 -
FS/S36-058 “Ideal Existence” Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-059 “Gem Magic” Rin
$0.99 -
FS/S36-060 “Complicated Feelings” Rin
$0.99 -
FS/S36-061 “All Kinds of Follow-up Attacks” Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-062 “Aftermath of the Battle” Archer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-063 “Full Power Pitch” Rin
$0.99 -
FS/S36-067 “Caladbolg II”
$3.99 -
FS/S36-068 End of the Battle
$0.99 -
FS/S36-077 “Strong Bond” Illya
$0.50 -
FS/S36-078 “Strongest Warrior” Berserker
$0.50 -
FS/S36-079 “Confronting the King” Illya
$0.99 -
FS/S36-080 “Duel of Legends” Illya
$0.50 -
FS/S36-081 “Strong Will” Berserker
$0.99 -
FS/S36-095 Encounter on a Rainy Day
$0.99 -
FS/S36-096 Berserker’s Will
C Cards
FS/S36-016 “Result of Defeat” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-017 “Duel of Legends” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-018 “Biggest Predator” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-019 “Unlimited Blades” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-020 “Top-Class Noble Phantasm” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-021 “Unbroken Spirit” Shirou
$0.50 -
FS/S36-022 “New Pact” Saber
$0.50 -
FS/S36-023 “Neat Appearance” Saber
$0.99 -
FS/S36-024 “Challege Towards the King” Gilgamesh
$0.50 -
FS/S36-025 “Ultimate Slash Attacks” Saber
$0.50 -
FS/S36-038 “Continuing Battle” Lancer
$0.99 -
FS/S36-039 “Self-Defense Lessons” Luvia
$0.50 -
FS/S36-040 “Complicated Feelings” Sakura
$0.50 -
FS/S36-041 “Worries in Heart” Sakura
$0.50 -
FS/S36-042 “Unified Front” Lancer
$0.50 -
FS/S36-043 “Infilitrating Base” Shinji
$0.50 -
FS/S36-064 “Time of Farewell” Rin
$0.50 -
FS/S36-065 “Frontal Assault” Rin
$0.50 -
FS/S36-066 “In the Middle of Conflict” Archer
$0.50 -
FS/S36-082 “All Kinds of Attacks” Souichirou Kuzuki
$0.50 -
FS/S36-083 “Big Magic” Caster
$0.50 -
FS/S36-084 “Magic Battle” Caster
$0.50 -
FS/S36-085 “Tsubame Gaeshi” Assasssin
$0.50 -
FS/S36-086 “Repeated Follow-up Attacks” Souichirou Kuzuki
$0.50 -
FS/S36-087 “A Short Break” Illya
$0.50 -
FS/S36-088 “Stubborn Servant” Berserker
$0.50 -
FS/S36-089 “Fictitious Heroic Spirit” Assassin
$0.50 -
FS/S36-090 “In the Middle of Final Examination” Illya
$0.50 -
FS/S36-091 “Fulfilling Wish” Souichirou Kuzuki
$0.50 -
FS/S36-092 “Visitation of Guests” Illya
$0.50 -
FS/S36-093 “Father of the Fuyuki Church” Kirei
$0.50 -
FS/S36-094 “Reverberation of Defeat” Assassin
CR Cards
FS/S36-028 “Unlimited Blade Works”
$1.99 -
FS/S36-069 “Rho Aias”
$0.99 -
FS/S36-070 Last Words
$1.99 -
FS/S36-097 Encounter and Bond
CC Cards
FS/S36-029 “Gate of Babylon”
$1.99 -
FS/S36-030 “Excalibur”
$0.99 -
FS/S36-046 “Gae Bolg”
$0.50 -
FS/S36-047 Get Well Visit Everyday
$0.50 -
FS/S36-071 Mischievous Smile
$0.50 -
FS/S36-098 Official Pact
$0.50 -
FS/S36-099 Fulfilled Wish
$0.50 -
FS/S36-100 Tsubame Gaeshi