[Booster Break] Danmachi


Booster Break
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka


Out of stock

SKU: Booster Break Danmachi Category:


This product will be opened on stream at https://www.twitch.tv/novacardshop

1 Booster Box contains 18 packs and 1 Box Topper PR

The Box Topper, Rares and higher will be sent to you at no cost! Include bulk option also available under the drop down.

Please leave the display name you would like to be referred to on stream in the comment section.

Official Release Date: 11/26/2021

This is a Pre-Order item, keep in mind we do not ship the package until the last item in the cart becomes available to be shipped. If you are interested in other items please consider separating your orders if you would rather have your orders arrive as soon as they can be shipped!