DAL/W99-049 マイ・リトル・シドー


DAL/W99-049 U

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SKU: DAL/W99-049 Category:


DAL/W99-049 U
Individual Card

『[(1)] あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、相手に1ダメージを与える。』(ダメージキャンセルは発生する)

REST one of your STAND《Date》or《Celestial Spirit》Characters.
Perform one of the following three effects of your choice.
-[(1)] You may pay the cost. If you did, deal one damage to your opponent.
-Choose one of your Characters, during this turn, it gains +3000 Power. Send this card to Stock.
-Choose one Character in your Waiting Room, add it to Hand.

Card No.: DAL/W99-049 Rarity: U
Color: Green Side: Weiss
Type: Event Level: 2
Power: Cost: 0
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None