LNJ/W97-026 璃奈ちゃんボード


LNJ/W97-026 U

Only 4 left in stock

SKU: LNJ/W97-026 Category:


LNJ/W97-026 U
Individual Card


If all of your Characters are《Music》, look at up to two cards from the top of your Deck, choose up to two Level 0 or lower cards among them, reveal them to your opponent, add them to Hand, send the remaining cards to Waiting Room. (Climax is considered Level 0)

Card No.: LNJ/W97-026 Rarity: U
Color: Yellow Side: Weiss
Type: Event Level: 1
Power: Cost: 0
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None