LNJ/W97-096 憧れの料理


LNJ/W97-096 U

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SKU: LNJ/W97-096 Category:


LNJ/W97-096 U
Individual Card


REST one of your STAND《Music》Characters. If you did perform one of the following three effects of your choice:
-Search your Deck for up to one Level 0 or lower《Music》Character, place it on any slot on Stage, shuffle your Deck afterwards.
-Choose up to two of your《Music》Characters, during this turn, it gains +3000 Power.
-Choose one of your opponent’s Level 1 or higher Characters, your opponent chooses one Level X or lower Character in their Waiting Room, exchange them. X is the chosen Character’s Level -1.

Card No.: LNJ/W97-096 Rarity: U
Color: Blue Side: Weiss
Type: Event Level: 1
Power: Cost: 0
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None