LNJ/W97-097 ダイバーフェス


LNJ/W97-097 U

In stock

SKU: LNJ/W97-097 Category:


LNJ/W97-097 U
Individual Card


If you do not have a Character with “Karin” in its card name, you cannot play this card from Hand.
Send this card to Memory. Send up to one card from the top card of your Deck to Stock, deal X damage to your opponent, choose one of your Characters, during this turn, it gains +1000 Power. X is the number of [ダイバーフェス] in your Memory. (Damage can be canceled)

Card No.: LNJ/W97-097 Rarity: U
Color: Blue Side: Weiss
Type: Event Level: 3
Power: Cost: 2
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None