NGL/S58-018 “Blank” Does Not Lose


“Blank” Does Not Lose
NGL/S58-018 U

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SKU: NGL/S58-018 Category:


“Blank” Does Not Lose
NGL/S58-018 U
Individual Card

[COUNTER] If you have 1「Sora」and 1「Shiro」each then, choose 1 of your cards with「Steph」in its name, send it to the waiting room. If you do, choose an opponent level 3 or under character, send it to the waiting room.

【カウンター】 あなたの、カード名に「空」を含むキャラと「白」を含むキャラが別々に1枚ずついるなら、あなたは自分のカード名に「ステ」を含むキャラを1枚選び、控え室に置く。そうしたら、あなたは相手の前列のレベル3以下のキャラを1枚選び、控え室に置く。

Card No.: NGL/S58-018 Rarity: U
Color: Yellow Side: Schwarz
Type: Event Level: 3
Power: 0 Cost: 5
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: None Trait 2: None