NGL/S58-062 Jibril, Former Council of 18 Wings


Jibril, Former Council of 18 Wings
NGL/S58-062 U

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SKU: NGL/S58-062 Category:


Jibril, Former Council of 18 Wings
NGL/S58-062 U
Individual Card

[C] For each of your other《Game》characters, this card gains+500.

【永】 他のあなたの《ゲーム》のキャラ1枚につき、このカードのパワーを+500。

Card No.: NGL/S58-062 Rarity: U
Color: Red Side: Schwarz
Type: Character Level: 1
Power: 4500 Cost: 0
Soul: 1 Trait 1: ゲーム (Game)
Triggers: None Trait 2: 天翼種 (Flugel)