RKN/S115-091S 底の見えぬ真意 斎藤 一


底の見えぬ真意 斎藤 一
RKN/S115-091S SR

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底の見えぬ真意 斎藤 一
RKN/S115-091S SR
Individual Card

【永】 あなたはイベントと『助太刀』を手札からプレイできない。
【自】 このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、他のあなたの《明治剣客浪漫譚》のキャラがいるなら、あなたは自分の山札を上から2枚まで見て、山札の上に好きな順番で置く。

[A]- When this card is placed on Stage from Hand, look at up to two cards from the top of opponent’s Deck, place them on top of Deck in the same order, choose one of your opponent’s Characters, during this turn, it gets -500 Power.
[A]- When this card is REVERSE, if this card’s battle opponent’s Level is higher than your opponent’s Level, you may send that Character to bottom of Deck.

Card No.: RKN/S115-091S Rarity: SR
Color: Blue Side: Schwarz
Type: Character Level: 0
Power: 3500 Cost: 0
Soul: 1 Trait 1: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Triggers: Trait 2: Spy

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
