SHS/W56-006 Eriri, Somebody to Separate the Two


Eriri, Somebody to Separate the Two
SHS/W56-006 R

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SKU: SHS/W56-006 Category:


Eriri, Somebody to Separate the Two
SHS/W56-006 R
Individual Card

[C] ASSIST All of your level 0 or under characters in front of this card gains , power+1000.
[A] During the attack phase, when either you or your opponent returns a card to hand from the waiting room, that player’s characters all gain, for the turn, soul−3.

【永】 応援 このカードの前のあなたのレベル0以下のキャラすべてに、パワーを+1000。
【自】 アタックフェイズ中、あなたか相手のキャラが、控え室から手札に戻った時、そのプレイヤーのキャラすべてに、そのターン中、ソウルを−3。

Card No.: SHS/W56-006 Rarity: R
Color: Yellow Side: Weiss
Type: Character Level: 0
Power: 2000 Cost: 0
Soul: 1 Trait 1: ゲーム (Game)
Triggers: None Trait 2: 漫画 (Manga)

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
