VS/W50-096 Issuing a Challenge


Issuing a Challenge
VS/W50-096 C

Only 4 left in stock

SKU: VS/W50-096 Category:


Issuing a Challenge
VS/W50-096 C
Individual Card

If you do not have a blue card then, you cannot play this card from hand.
choose 1 of your opponent’s characters, move it to an empty slot on the opponent’s stage , for the turn, gain the following ability. 『[C] This card cannot be moved to another position on stage. 』

あなたは相手のキャラを1枚選び、相手の舞台のキャラのいない他の枠に動かし、そのターン中、次の能力を与える。『【永】 このカードは他の枠に動かせない。』

Card No.: VS/W50-096 Rarity: C
Color: Blue Side: Weiss
Type: Event Level: 2
Power: 0 Cost: 0
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: None Trait 2: None