YRC/W116-069SP 大きな伸び 恵那


大きな伸び 恵那
YRC/W116-069SP SP

Out of stock

SKU: YRC/W116-069SP Category:


大きな伸び 恵那
YRC/W116-069SP SP
Individual Card

【自】[手札のCXを1枚控え室に置く] このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、あなたは自分の控え室の《ゆるキャン△》のキャラを2枚まで選び、1枚選び、手札に戻し、1枚選び、自分のカード名に「テント」を含むキャラの下にマーカーとして表向きに置き、残りのカードを控え室に置く。

[A] – [Send one Climax in your Hand to Waiting Room] When this card is placed on Stage from Hand, you may pay the cost. If you did, choose up to two《Yuru Camp△》Characters in your Waiting Room, choose one card, add it to Hand, choose one card, choose one Character with “Tent” it its card name, place the remaining cards underneath that Character faceup as a Marker, send the remaining cards to Waiting Room.

Card No.: YRC/W116-069SP Rarity: SP
Color: Blue Side: Weiss
Type: Character Level: 0
Power: 1000 Cost: 0
Soul: 1 Trait 1: Yuru Camp△
Triggers: Trait 2: My Pace

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
